RD2L EU S20 Player Rankings

Every single player, ranked by role

4 min readJul 6, 2020

Welcome to season 20 player rankings.

This is a piece I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time now — in fact, it’s something I’ve had in the back of my mind ever since I first saw Ulafzs do it in season 12.

I would first and foremost like to extend massive thanks to my collaborators on this project: Haraway, Harbinger, Holy Harry, Kimer and Nappa — their contributions made this possible. I will also include two important notes here:

  • Players’ MMRs were taken from the draft sheet. In some cases, when we were aware of a significant MMR difference between a player’s current and sheet MMR, we would use the current one. We realize that there are likely many others whose MMR changed from the sheet, but we stuck to the ones we knew about. The (brief) list of all players whose MMR was changed in this way for the rankings can be found here.
  • We accounted for the role and player swaps that had been committed before we started working on the rankings, but ultimately decided against going back to adjust the lists for every single team change. Therefore, while we do, for example, have Severe playing carry on his WED team, we don’t have Elpie listed at support on Crispy Bacon’s WED team, since the latter role change occurred after we’d already done a considerable amount of work.

We set out with one simple goal in mind — rank every single player in the season by role. Doing this in practice, however, turned out to be a bit less simple. What are the criteria by which we rank players? How do you compare two players with wildly different playstyles? How do you control for biases?

I think it’s fairly obvious, at the start, that these rankings are going to be disputed and debated — we accepted that early on, and just focused on doing our best. The most basic criterion by which we decided on a player’s placement was fairly simple: who would we rather have on our team in that role? A lot of decisions boiled down to that hypothetical. Our process started with a first draft of the rankings, which we would deliberate on and comment on before committing to any potential changes. We would apply changes we agreed on, and then again went through that new iteration. The final result is the fourth iteration of our list.

Naturally, the ranking committee’s own biases and experiences also influenced these decisions, and this whole project is, at its’ core, highly subjective. We have no pretenses that our rankings are “correct” — they, quite literally, can’t be, and this isn’t meant to be a definitive indication of who’s good and who’s not: this is all just the result of our collective opinion and the deliberations we’ve had. Disagreeing with our rankings is fine, and we encourage everyone to voice their own opinions. Additionally, we, of course, don’t mean to cause any offense to anyone — someone was always bound to be higher, someone lower.

I’ll eschew any descriptions or overviews — you can draw your own conclusions. If you would rather view all of the lists together, you can do so on this sheet. If you notice any mistakes on the list, for example, players being listed under the wrong team, or under the wrong MMR, please let me know on Discord!

With that lengthy interlude out of the way, I have no intention of keeping you waiting any longer — let’s get into the rankings. Share, discuss — enjoy!

WED Safelane Carry

WED Midlane

WED Offlane

WED Position 4

WED Position 5

SUN Safelane Carry

SUN Midlane

SUN Offlane

SUN Position 4

SUN Position 5

My writing routine, more often than not, is to take a walk and grab a coffee somewhere. If you want to support my content, you can buy me a coffee, but I’ll keep writing as long as there’s stuff to write about, no matter what.

Thanks for reading!




Written by Madsen

Clarity League Content Writer | Main Over at medium.com/@Maadsen | Buy me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/madsen03

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